Chris Cuomo Accuser: It’s Clear ‘Cuomo Can Do Anything He Wants With Impunity’

These are the people who lecture us constantly. Mind you, Cuomo essentially did what Trump joked about but has received none of the media outrage. Pathetic.

Chris Cuomo accuser and former ABC executive producer Shelley Ross said Monday women at CNN “can’t complain” and that it’s clear “Cuomo can do anything he wants with impunity.”

During Ross’ interview with Megyn Kelly on the Sirius XM radio show “The Megyn Kelly Show,” Ross said Cuomo’s comment to the New York Times about her allegation that Cuomo groped her amounted to “gaslighting.” She slammed him for calling the incident an “interaction” and claiming that it “was not of a sexual nature.”

“There was never ‘our interaction,’” the former ABC executive explained. “He’s already gaslighting everybody in that response. I was not a participant. He walked into a room and grabbed me. This is not our interaction.” 

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