“Aim High .. Fly-Fight-Win-Jab” Air Force discharges 40 over vaccine mandate. Thousands more face termination.
At least 10,000 Air Force service members face being discharged for refusing to abide by the November 2 vaccine mandate deadline – and 40 members have already been terminated.
The military branch became the first to execute disciplinary actions for staff who objected to receiving the vaccine.
Only basic military and trainees have been discharged so far, but after Tuesday, non-compliant uniformed Air Force members could also be discharged.
‘An airman or Guardian who is not vaccinated by November 2 will be in violation of a lawful general order and subject to discipline under Article 92, [Uniform Code of Military Justice]’ the Air Force said to Air Force Magazine.
As of October 25, at least 10,000 Airmen and Guardians remained unvaccinated.