AT&T To Remove One America News Network From Lineup


One America News (OAN) Network’s largest distributor, DirecTV, announced Friday that it will not renew its contract with the outlet, Bloomberg reported.

In an email statement to Bloomberg, DirecTV spokesperson said that “following a routine internal review,” the decision was made to not enter a new contract with Herring Networks Inc., OAN’s owner, once the current contract ends in April. DirecTV made up 90% of the network’s revenue, according to Reuters.

OAN will continue to be provided through Verizon FiOS and various other smaller national pay-TV providers, including KlowdTV and Vidgo, per its website.

The decision follows a concerted campaign from pro-censorship activists and media companies to remove OAN from DirecTV. 16 organizations, including GLAAD, Free Press, and Common Cause, came together to draft a letter to demand DirecTV drop OAN and AT&T sever all ties with the platform in November.

“We are deeply disturbed to learn that AT&T helped establish and fund OAN, a purveyor of racial bigotry, conspiracy theories and calls for anti-democratic violence that endanger lives,” the letter reads.

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