Everything Old Is New Again — Russian state TV warns US ‘will be turned to radioactive ash’ over Ukraine moves

They seem nice.

A Russian state television host threatened on Sunday that the U.S. could be “reduced to radioactive ash” if it does not meet the demands laid out by Russia for deescalating tensions around Ukraine.

Russia demanded that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) should roll back military deployments in eastern Europe and bar Ukraine and other post-Soviet nations from joining the alliance. News of the Week state-TV host Dmitry Kiselyov went on a lengthy monologue about why the U.S. and NATO should meet Russia’s demands.

“The U.S. and NATO must roll back from our borders, otherwise we will, figuratively speaking, ‘roll up’ to their borders and create symmetrical, unacceptable risks… If you put a gun to our head, we will respond in kind,” Kiselyov said.

Kiselyov went on to say, “Never before has anyone published the texts of the proposed treaties, but never before in the 21st century has the situation been so acute, and the risks so great.”

“We’re holding very strong cards in our hands,” the Russian TV host continued. “Our hypersonic weapons are guaranteed to produce a response that is so unpleasant for America to hear: being reduced to radioactive ash.”

Kiselyov’s remarks touted the flight speeds demonstrated in recent tests of Russian hypersonic weapons, like the Zircon missile.
