Mollie Hemingway: The Right Needs The Courage To Fight Even If It Costs Us

Today, everyday Americans are being bullied by a hard-left minority that unfortunately has taken over and controls most of the agenda-setting institutions in our country. As someone who works in the media space, I know what it is like to be a lonely voice taking on many of these powerful people.

I learned several things from my brother’s improbable victory.

First off, as Pat Buchanan wrote, “Courage is contagious, Defiance can lead to a recovery of will.” It is inspiring to see someone who chooses to risk his well-being for a higher good.

We live in a time when people act like stating one’s sexual preferences or whatever pronouns they’re using this week is courageous. I prefer David Azerrad’s definition that courage is the “Bold and principled defiance of the lies of the age.”

The conservative establishment, its politicians, and its media, don’t lack ideas or people. But too many of its leaders do lack determination and endurance and fearlessness. The people can tell. As it is said, “Men don’t follow titles, they follow courage.”

The conservative movement in D.C. has too often been engaged in insincere opposition to progressivism’s march through America’s institutions, both public and private. It has seemed mostly interested in negotiating terms of surrender or managing defeat than preserving the republic. It has stood athwart history impotently suggesting that progressives slow down. Michael Malice has therefore derided conservatism as just “Progressivism with a speed limit.” Institutional conservatism and its alleged leaders have too frequently accepted the propaganda press’s treatment of conservatives as second-class citizens.

For conservatism to mean anything now, it has to be about rejecting this rigged system. Don’t just say “stop.” Our duty is to not to say “stop” but then bend the knee in cowardice when the mob comes. That brings even more harm to our more vulnerable neighbors and does nothing to prevent the destruction of the country.

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