Noem Won’t Back GOP Bill Banning Vaccine Mandates: They Can Work Elsewhere
The Chamber of Commerce must like mandates!
Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) is not backing Republican legislation seeking to ban so-called vaccine mandates within the state.
Republican state Reps. Jon Hansen and Scott Odenbach are trying to null businesses mandating their employees to get vaccinated against Covid-19 through the “COVID-19 Vaccine Freedom of Conscience Act.”
Noem claims such legislation is a slippery slope that could lead to other dictates toward businesses Republicans might not like. “If we mandate one thing, are we setting a precedent for what we are telling businesses they have to do far into the future?” Noem posed.
The Republican governor has, though, banned vaccine mandates for employees in state and local government in SD.
She has also argued that employees of private businesses opposed to a vaccine mandate can go work elsewhere.