They Won’t Stop: Minneapolis Fed Imposes COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement for Employees
The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis will require its 1,100 employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 by the end of August, according to the institution’s President and CEO Neel Kashkari. Kashkari said in a post on the Minneapolis Fed website on Wednesday that the new policy would require all employees to get the shot “as a condition of continuing employment, with accommodations only provided to those who cannot get vaccinated due to medical conditions or sincerely held religious beliefs.” He added that the policy will also be in effect for new hires. “While some staff may be unhappy with this new requirement, we believe most will appreciate the actions we are taking on our collective behalf,” Kashkari said. Touching on the legal aspects of such a mandate, the chief of the Minneapolis Fed noted that recently updated guidance from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission indicates that employers can legally require staff physically entering …