Victory– Diocese of Moncton Backs Down over Vax Requirements for Mass & Sacraments.

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus,

Last night, we received new directives from the Minister of Health concerning the sanitary measures to be implemented in our churches. Accordingly, the four bishops of NB agree on the following steps to make our churches as safe as possible for our faithful.

  1. No proof of vaccination is required for Sunday or weekday masses, baptisms, prayer groups, and others.

However, the following measures will apply.

Everyone masked at all times.
Operate at 50% or less capacity.
Maintain two meters of physical distancing between different households ( bubbles).
No congregational singing. However, soloists and choirs are allowed to sing but respecting the 4 meters as before.
The names and contact information of all attendees shall be recorded, and the lists maintained.
Prevent anyone displaying COVID-19 symptoms or who has been instructed to self-isolate from entering.

  1. Proof of vaccination is required and maintained for weddings and funerals

Everyone will be required to show proof of full vaccination when accessing certain events such as weddings, funerals, conferences, or workshops. Masks must always be worn. For funerals and weddings, there is no distancing required which allows for full capacity and there is no requirement to keep a record of those present. But to be admitted, a person must have proof of full vaccination.
For children’s catechesis we must follow the rules in force in schools. Catechists shall be fully vaccinated when meeting in person. When other adults attend the meetings, they will have to be doubly vaccinated. For a celebration in church, follow the rule in force now in our churches.

It is highly desirable for parish employees to be fully vaccinated. If this is not the case, they will have to wear a mask at all times and undergo a COVID test periodically according to government policy.

We will accept anyone who comes to the parish offices to get information or service. If this person is not vaccinated, they must wear a mask.

We understand the concerns of Public Health and continue to work together following the guidelines issued to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. We are all concerned about the current situation in the province. I am very grateful to all the parish priests and volunteer teams who are doing everything possible to ensure the health and well-being of our faithful.

May the Lord bless us and continue to watch over us!

Mgr Valery Vienneau

Archbishop of Moncton

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